Land Tours



Flores is known for housing Labuan Bajo, but the rest of the island is still a hidden gem. It is a haven for divers, with dive sites that are almost untouched from Maumere to Larantuka.


Bali is known as the tourist hub of Indonesia, and people come from all over the world to visit. It has beaches with white sand, rice terraces that seem to go on forever, and a busy nightlife that makes it a place to visit more than once.


Borneo, also called Kalimantan, is the largest island in Asia and the third largest in the world. It is well-known for its vast rainforest and is an explorer’s dream due to its orangutans, clouded leopards, and long beaches.


Java is one of the greater Sunda islands. Jakarta, the country’s capital, is on the Northern coast. It has a plethora of ancient temples and jungles to explore, as well as volcanoes and mountains to climb.


Sumatra is one of the largest economic hubs in Indonesia. It attracts both domestic and international tourists and has become well known for its jungle tours and famous eco travelling scene.


The easternmost province of Indonesia is rich in cultural diversity. It is home to the tree kangaroo and birds of paradise, and large whale sharks can be found swimming in the Cendrawasih Bay national park’s coral gardens.





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